Happy Autumn. It now is getting darker and colder; even the leaves are turning color and falling. Each season, we like to share items of interest about the practice, the town, and medicine.
Advanced Pediatrics
The big news in the practice is the incredible work being done by our still-very-new staff, Sam and Marie. Marie recently started working in the office, and Sam is nearing her one-year mark. Together they have raised the level of care at Advanced Pediatrics with truly outstanding care of families and problem-solving skills. We have heard many words of praise from families, and wanted all to know we think they are exceptional, too.
This October and November, Advanced Pediatrics held its annual Flu Fest, featuring a surprisingly fun approach to getting your child immunized for flu. Appointments are fast, and Mitchell’s Homemade Ice Cream provides every child who is able, to enjoy a scoop of ice cream, in our office, for free. This is a generous gift from Mitchell’s and dates back to days in which Mike Mitchell was my patient (a fact he has asked that I share).
On New Year’s Eve, Advanced Pediatrics will turn 15! Stay tuned for 15th Anniversary news. The key anniversary message remains the same every year: Thank You. Dr. Hertzer and I, and all the staff at Advanced Pediatrics remain so grateful for the greatest gift any family can give when it comes to the care of your infants, children, and youth: your trust. It is our honor that you chose us to be your pediatricians, and we hope to earn that trust every day.
The Indians Are Now Undefeated
At the end of every World Series, the last season comes to an end, and the new season can be seen far off in the horizon of next spring. So technically, right now, the Indians, like all teams, are undefeated.
I found that this year the level of talent across the top 8 teams was like no other year. What a thrill to see our team at the elite level. What grit, fun, and play they gave us for 167 games, First place in the AL Central Division and holders of the longest winning streak in the AL.
Next year is starting now. Let’s hope they win it all next year!
Medical Trends
- Virus. Viruses aren’t really a trend.They are always with us. Always. But now and then, they really flare, and this is one of those times. We are seeing a lot of colds, many with lingering coughs (2-3 weeks or more), and stomach flu. This is well before the influenza virus hits, so there is essentially zero or very little influenza virus circulating around here now, or across the US.
- Leaf mold. As the frost approaches, pollen will disappear from the air. But take a look at all the piles of leaves out there. Many are collected by our towns, but the tons and tons that do not get picked up slowly decay, causing massive amounts of mold to grow and enter the air. This mold can cause significant allergy symptoms, so those with fall allergies should know that this is a peak allergy time.
- Thank you to all the families of Advanced Pediatrics.
- Welcome to our outstanding staff.
- 15th Anniversary of Advanced Pediatrics coming up in 2018.
- Go Tribe.
- Viruses are rampant: colds, flu, stomach flu, none are influenza virus related.
- Leaf mold is heavy in the air.
To your health,
Dr. Arthur Lavin
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